The Grandkids

The Grandkids

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Becky and her "Bumpus Dog" Experience

In true Thanksgiving Spirit Becky experienced her personal  version of that great scene from A Christmas Story where the Bumpus’ dogs steal the turkey. Following Thanksgiving dinner, and prior to the annual viewing of “A Christmas Story”, Becky was enjoying the fruit of her labor from the wonderful Thanksgiving feast while comfortably seated , just off the kitchen, in the den.  She was watching  her grandchildren busily making Thanksgiving bags while feasting on the very best part of the bird that had saved for her special enjoyment. It was the beautifully browned caramelized  Turkey wing. She sat with each hand holding an end of the wing, like she was about to delicately eat corn on the cob and slowly savor the deliciousness of each bite.  This was to be a well deserved reward for all her culinary production.
Bart, our adopted stray, sat nearby looking like the street urchin dog from his previous life before we welcomed him into our home two years ago. Since Bart is a Beagle, he has some traits that are just inbred  parts of his personality that we accept and understand as Bart being Bart. He proudly announces the presence of any moving object to come within sight or hearing  range and will alert the entire neighborhood that he has spotted the enemy which is usually in the form of a car, a deer, a person walking. He also will snatch food left unattended or held at low levels by one of the many grandchildren who have learned to eat at the table and not leave food unguarded. The sight of that Turkey wing must have been overpowering because any sense of decorum or behavioral restraint that he had learned was quickly discarded as Bart jumped like an attacking Warg-wolf, ridden by the evil Orcs, from Lord of the Rings and locked his teeth onto the wing. He was able to perfectly clench his jaws between Becky’s hands on the now disputed prize.
A great battle ensued for this treasure with neither opponent willing to give an inch. Each combatant held fast while the great tug of war intensified. With all their might each tried to pull the tasty treat away from their foe. Like two great gladiator’s locked in a death match they fought on.  Their wills and strength were equal and the Turkey Wing was suspended between their straining bodies . They stared into each other’s eyes  as if the threat of death could be visually  conveyed, the spectators like the crowds at the Roman Coliseum were mesmerized by the classic conflict. Simultaneously we all cheered for our champion, Becky, to emerge victorious with shouts of advice. Finally she exclaimed, in frustration with a brilliant, although not legal in the truest sense of gladiator conduct, for Tom to hit Bart on the head which she hoped would startle him to release his vice like grip. This maneuver worked as intended and the startled Bart flinched which allowed Becky to quickly stand up still gripping her prize between her hands.
Her smirk of satisfied victory chilled the air and as if to gloat further over her vanquished foe as she finished eating her cherished delicacy while the humiliated Bart sloutched off searching for weaker victims with low hanging food stuff while still pondering the treat that got away.
It was a riotous moment for the cheering throngs who celebrated a victory over the usual champion “Bumpus dog” Bart.

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