For the first time in thirty nine years I was not actively working on Black Friday. Following a joyous Thanksgiving celebration of food, fun and family, we settled in various beds with three grandchildren after watching Willie Wonka ,which is our tradition, and slept soundly. There is nothing sweeter than waking to little feet kicking you out of bed, tiny hands gently stroking your morning hair or the pure joy of early morning excitement of little ones over the prospect of cousins to play with. Waking early we were amazed to find that while we slept snow covered all. The woods was a beautiful holiday white while light snow continued to drift slowly down. It added to the magic of the morning so another custom of watching Frosty was even more appropriate. Nate said we couldn't watch before Cather woke up and Catcher said it was the best day ever. We also had to retrieve the littlest Sawyer, Hope, who at one did not sleep over but came over in her PJ's to play with Louisiana. So these four little friends enjoyed breakfast,between dashing onto the porch to hide muscle guys deep in the new snow, and generally running around doing important childrens' activities. We all had the sillies however but managed to get dressed, cuddled on the couch and had a great time laughing and lounging. This was just the most wonderful day after ever. Louisiana went down for a nap. Granny & Hope fell asleep together in Papa's chair while the boys ( Nate, Catcher, and Papa) went downstairs for another tradition of Star Wars watching and while playing guys, cars, and legos.........It's almost 1 pm so I think I should just stay in my jammies all day...........
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